For this show I was responsible for the visual development of the shaders, materials and texture maps various environments, characters, and props.
The carriage required the creation of several interesting materials including velvet and gold leaf.
Here we can see some of the interior as well.
For the dry version of the swamp we needed to create several versions of the dry cat tails, then scatter the geometry on the ground plane with our fur system. I also surfaced the cracked mud ground and the dry version of Shrek's house.
Adjustments were made 'in shot' to unify the textures of the house asset with the textures of the ground plane. The dry grass was styled by binding the dry grass geometry to large, un rendered spires of fur in a process we call 'clumping'. This technique is used frequently to drive the shape and direction of fur and grass.
I created the maps and the shader for the ground, including a fur geometry used as grass in this case.
I created the shader and painted all the associated maps
I surfaced various signs, plants,awnings and walls used to dress the set of the bad times version of Far Far Away.
I migrated the fur, shaders and texture maps to the new version of Puss n Boots. I also created the lovely satin bow.